The 2nd edition of the European Conference on Novel Technologies for In Vitro Diagnostics, DIATECH 2020, will be held in the beautiful city of Leuven, Belgium from January 27th until January 29th 2020.
The conference will provide a premier forum for discussions on the aspects driving the development of new diagnostic tools, with particular emphasis on innovative devices and molecular technologies of medical or industrial relevance. Experts in the field will meet to discuss exciting innovations in the sector, with keynote presentations focused on technological, biological, clinical and regulatory aspects in a unique combination of biology and technology with a strongly interdisciplinary approach.
The format will include plenary talks from 16 internationally renowned invited speakers and opportunities for young researchers to present their work through oral and poster presentations. The last day of DIATECH 2020 conference is reserved for key opinion leaders casting their view on the future of in vitro diagnostics in their oral presentations, which will be concluded with a panel discussion.
The conference is organized by KU Leuven and supported by 3 European research projects (ND4ID, AiPBAND and PROFILE) and the research foundation – Flanders (FWO).
More info at